Crystal-Clear Connection
Our voice service ensures you stay connected to loved ones, colleagues, and the world, all backed by the trust and support of your local BTC team.
Local Voice Services
For both Residential and Business needs.
Starting at $35 per month, per line!
Includes UNLIMITED local calling!
Our prices are for basic rates and do not include separate federal and state surcharges, fees and applicable taxes. All new accounts are subject to installation charges.
Local voice service is defined as all voice communications using the public telephone network and includes all incoming and outgoing local voice calls in the 224, 334, 335, 462, 488, 665 and 876 exchange areas.
Service includes a white page directory listing, access to operator services and directory assistance, access to telecommunications relay service (TDS/TRS) and other services for persons requiring special assistance or access to emergency services (911).
Long Distance Voice Services
For both Residential and Business needs.
- Standard Plan
14 cents per minute
- Paducah Area Plan
$4.95 per month, plus 8 cents per minute to these Paducah area exchanges:
415 / 441 / 442 / 443 / 444 / 534 / 538 / 554 / 575 / 744 / 898